In terms of the ABILITY to FIND the information - it depends on the skill level of the ads manager looking through Facebook's interface. A skilled Facebook Ads manager will know how to find the important information and how to pull it out, put it into spreadsheets and pivot tables and deliver good insights about how to improve the ad campaigns. If someone has an ads manager that is new, or inexperienced, they may or may not know how to gather and scrutinize Facebook's data.
In terms of the TIME IT TAKES to gather the good data and put it into spreadsheets for insightful analysis, it can take hours and hours.
Most agencies are paying $3,000 (or more) per month to have that data pulled for clients.
Guerrilla Worx pulls and organizes and presents the information in easy, actionable reports. You will see what you want to see per campaign, per client, per audience, or whatever matters the most to you and your KPIs.